Thursday, November 24, 2016

Week 59 - September 19, 2016

From: Jordan Mark Merrill <
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2016 10:35 PM
To: Lauri Merrill

Well... If y’all read my last email, this one is probably going to be 98% less exciting. Ha... So this week I don’t have too much to say actually. We’re just here doing the Lord’s work no big deal:) We had 7 investigators attend church this week which is, for me, my mission record. I’m excited to see them progress which, they actually really are. One of them was in the hospital for 5 days so we didn’t get to visit her much but the one time we went to the hospital, we met a member from another small island not far from here. We helped him get his travel plans figured out so he can attend church every week. He’s going to need to take a boat just to get to church, cool huh? Ha!
So for my personal study I have slowed down with the Book of Mormon and started focusing on the New Testament. There really is a lot to learn if you study it deep. But it’s also way cool just to read all about Jesus Christ and how there are always smart alecks trying to get him to answer a question wrong but he always has some answer to shut them up. So as a missionary we get a lot of questions trying to make us stumble. I’ve noticed a lot of the people here believe God is only one being and then we explain that we have the Godhead which really baffles them and gets into deeper discussions. So that’s why we (as members) always need to study the doctrine, so when the chance comes, we can answer the right question. We’re told not to debate but sometimes it’s hard when all they do is say things that make us seem false. Hmm. I also read a book recently that gives an explanation of the Restoration so studying that story really helps when you can explain it quickly and simply. So let’s all just always strive to increase our testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It won’t hurt to try;) So that’s about it for me this week! Love you all and never forget to magsisi palagi!
**Elder Merrill**

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