From: Jordan Mark Merrill
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 11:15 PM
To: Lauri Merrill <>
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 11:15 PM
To: Lauri Merrill <>
Magandang hapon
sainyo lahat:) So my last 2 weeks’ worth of letters have all been about my not
so fun days here in the mission. The toilet and bleach have been my best
friends but since then I’ve found some better days :) I’m actually feeling much
better this week, I do still have times where I’ll eat or drink something and it’s
not very fun in the gut but it goes away after some time. Since I’ve had some
time to reflect on what the cause may have been I’ve come up with a few
plausible reasons. #1. My eating habit. The junk food here is dirt cheap so
instead of taking time to cook or prepare a simple meal I’ve just been
satisfied with eating chips and junk for my meals. Over time that doesn’t do well
with the system. #2. Our summer here is getting over and were getting into the
wet season so after some time of no rain it finally poured and when it rains
all the water goes to wells then the people here with their 1000% immunity
resistant stomachs can handle the water that’s a little dirty but then you have
the white boy American that is used to drinking anything and not worrying about
a thing, takes a sip of the freshly dirty water and the 2 don’t go good
together. The combination of the dirty water and unhealthy diet was I think my
problem. Since then my appetite has come back and I’ve finally developed the
desire to eat larger meals so I bought a ton of veggies (I was craving veggies
over fruit which was weird) and I started a diet of good foods. So far every
morning I eat a big ole sandwich with tons of good foods, kind of like a subway
sandwich loaded with veggies. I put on 2 pieces of clean cut ham, a piece of
cheese, mustard, mayo, cucumber, tomato, and a lot of crunchy lettuce. Hits the
spot every time but of course all the stuff tastes different so it ain’t no Subway
but after I eat it I feel amazing. I’m drinking a ton of water too, cold water
has been hurting my stomach so I’m sticking to room temp water (warm...) ever
since then I’ve felt muuuch better. So because I have the ability to work. We've kicked it in gear this week and tried
to get a lot of teaching appointments and so far we've been pretty successful.
Our branch is trying to become a ward so we've kind of focused on getting
members back but that is a little tougher, sometimes they've been offended, or
they lost the spark, or some odd reason. We have even found members with their
tindahan selling things like beer and cigarettes so ya, we’re working on it.
But our work is alright here in Tula x2. The day of President Guanzon going
home is really close and also the day of transfers is coming quicker than we
know it. I’m going on 6 months here and Elder Witehira goes home next transfer
so we don’t really know what is going to happen. I really want to stay but then
again I wouldn’t mind an apartment with running water. Our dishes have been
sitting there for I don’t even know how long without being washed and I’m not
lazy to clean them it’s just the water we get is worth its weight in gold so we
need it for better things. Anyway, I have mixed emotions of if I want to
transfer or not. I’m really close to a couple families and it would suck really
bad to leave them and not being able to see them again. But we'll let God choose
what’s best for us, whatever happens is for a reason right? Maybe me getting
.01 close to dying happened for a reason (or not...). Oh I don’t think I’ve
made it known to everyone but some friends, but this August 5 I’m going to
start drinking soda again after 10 years of being sober from it. The soda here
is cheap and from what I’ve heard delicious so I’ve made the choice to drink it
in celebrating my 1 year mark in the mission. If there are any objections or
complaints, let me know and I’ll probably just ignore them :) Maybe if I get a
good reason not to I’ll consider it. Um, not sure what else to say except to
tell you to continue to read your scriptures personally and with family along
with prayer, personal and as a family. Follow the commandments at all cost because
I’ve seen families’ lives change just by the small and simple things. Poor to
rich, unhappy to happy just by keeping the commandments. It’s a promise coming,
not from me, but from God :) He always keeps his promises! Well, love ya all!
Ingat kayo ya? :)
**Elder Merrill**
Photos compliments of Sister Garcia! |
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