From: Jordan Mark Merrill
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 10:01 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 10:01 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
1 year mark to myself! :) Well actually its in 4 days but I’ll just say I’m in
my 1 year stage this week. Um, to be honest I don’t feel like I’ve been out a
year. I’m trying to remember the things I was doing a year ago today and it
seems in one part of my head that it was soooo long ago but then again in the
other side of my head it’s like daaaaang that was fast! And from what I’ve
heard from like 100% of the people I’ve talked to about it, is that the second
part of your mission flies by, so I’m not sure what to think about that. But it’s
not like a whole lot of things will change, I’ll continue doing the will of the
Lord and living it up in the Philippines! :) So I guess I’ll talk a little bit
about our work from what’s happened. So we have a member that referred us to
her friend. We went to her house and taught her the first lesson and she said
she wants to become a member and be baptized and all those really good things
to hear as a missionary, so we were like yes, we finally found one that came to
us! So then yesterday we were with that member again that referred her to us
and then we saw her friend walking and we told her we'd like to share with her
again, but she kind of hesitated and called over her friend then whispered to
her, then the member came to us and said that her friend is done with us...
were like uhhhhh dang ha-ha. I guess her husband is not cool at all with us at their
house. The first time we taught he came
to us totally wasted and yelled at us, in a happy way of greeting us. But ya,
bummer no? Another subject!... So I finally received my birthday package :):)
and it was a looot bigger than I thought! I was expecting the normal sized box
but nope. So my comp from the MTC Elder Downing is the Supply Elder and he came
to our apartment and dropped it off, it was the best seeing him again. The last
time was last Christmas! So we had a good chat and he left so then of course I
opened it and yup, #SPOILED. I saw just about every food I love and miss from
home. Doritos, spicy jalapeno jelly, sour gummi worms, and so on:) It is also
loaded with presents so I need to wait 17 more days to just stare at them and
wonder what I could possibly get that I can use in the Philippines. So these
past days I’ve been in heaven or even the celestial kingdom, by enjoying my
good old American goodies:) The Bicolano’s for some reason don’t like the spicy
jam?! Like dude you were raised eating spicy. So also included in my box was
another package for the Garcia family. I think I was more excited for them to
open then they were. Actually Ego was literally trying to open it in my hands
while I was bringing it to their house. So we collected the fam together and I
got my camera ready and I said go for it. So they opened it and saw a flood of American
candies fall out. That was only the top of the whole box and they immediately
started at the candy without finishing un-boxing the box. I was like whoooooh
chillax lil homies, so then they found their individual gift and they took
turns unwrapping it. Bam shirt and tie, bam pink dress, bam CTR bracelet. Their
faces like literally lit up with excitement and joy as they opened them. Again I
think I was happier for them than they were ha-ha. So when they got past the
gifts they saw there was still something, they opened it and when Ego saw it
his eyes went straight to the pages of the LDS story books. They said they have
a Book of Mormon version but it was Tagalog and not as good, so when they realized
they have the English version of the New Testament, Old Testament, Book of Mormon,
and D&C they were happy as ever. It was basically like Christmas for all of
us:) So because all the clothes were for Sundays we had to wait to see them in
church and all wearing it. Well when Sunday finally came we were just a little late...
FYI this is my first time being late to church my whole mission. So I was
pretty mad at myself that we didn’t get to see them walk up to the doors all
decked out in the outfits but when we got their we couldn’t see them so I was
like wait, they’re late too? Yes:) But no of course ha. They got there just a little
after we did so I got to see them but it wasn't like I was expecting. They got
all sorts of good compliments so I was happy for them! Love them:) Another cool
activity we had this week was a branch farewell party for our good bud Fernando
Payte. We just basically had a FHE in our chapel but focused it on him and then
we played games, took pictures, and ate some good food. Good times here in Tula
Tula! I guess there’s a big storm pretty close but it didn't hit us directly so
were safe but it rains all day and then our pants get muddy. :( The river by
our house is always super full compared to how it has been. A lot of the people
that live near it just use it for all their stuff like bathing and washing
their stuff but it’s been the color of chocolate milk so I feel bad for them!
But life goes on right? Um, mosquitoes are killing me right about now... while
I’m pumping water they seem to love my ankles and the bar takes 2 hands to push
so when you need water but need to slap a million bugs off your feet at the
same time it doesn't really work! Oh yeah! Our baptism didn’t happen...
tomorrow is when it really is now:) I texted over 50 people while standing out
in the rain for service then it was cancelled so I had to re-text them all
again and say nope, sorry ha-ha. All good though! So I’d say that’s about it
for me :) not much though. So just don’t forget to magsisi ;) Love you all!
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