From: Jordan Mark Merrill
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2016 8:24 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2016 8:24 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
Sooooo where do I begin... gosh ha-ha.
Well here in Masbate all I can say is I’ve had nothing but good experiences so
far. I straight out love it. I’ll admit the travel was hard and I had a serious
loss on my part. Somewhere along the way my big suitcase had a big tear in the
bottom half. Luckily nothing fell out but that was before the 2-hour boat ride.
So I found some help and got it tied up. I’m going to need to find a new
suitcase before I leave here which is I don’t know when so ya, that sucks. But
anyway as you know my last comp is now in his nice cold house chillin with his
family and I also got the chance to start a new area. We got up in the morning
around 5 and started our travels. We caught a jeepny to Legaspi where Elder Witehira
had to get off. We were with the ZLs so they helped us but like all the sudden they
stopped the jeepny and said bye Elder Merrill! Then they booted me out, I grabbed
my stuff and they drove off. So I was the only one chillen in a huge busy city with
all my stuff then I got some help and got into another jeepny headed to the
port. From there I met up with some other missionaries getting assigned to
Masbate also. We all waited for a couple hours until our boat came but then we
found out we can catch a fast craft (like a faster boat basically) so we boarded
and started our journey. :) The fast craft took 2 hours so I don’t even know
how fast the slow one would have gone. But as we were going we were in the
middle of the ocean and then the motor just stopped so all the sleeping people
woke up and thought we were there but we weren’t then the waves started rocking
us slowly until eventually we were rocking like crazy! I heard people start
getting worried like “what the heck is going on, we’re gonna die” type of worry
but then, thank the high heavens the motor started and we were saved. So we
arrived in the port and freak, it was hot ha-ha, it’s a different climate here
then it is in the main island like so far I have been thirsty 100% of my time
here, even if I drink 9000 gallons of water, and also my hair is always frizzy
like 24/7. It’s weird? But I met my comp, his name is Elder Mwarie. Before I
met him all I’ve heard about him was good things, then I met him and its true
he is like the freaking man!!! He’s from Kiribati, a small island that I have
no clue where it is. He speaks very little English and very little Tagalog but
he is sooooo dang funny ha-ha our Kabahay and him are really close so they just
mess around with each other all day. He’s the man. I love him. But our work
just started as usual, tracking, teaching, meeting new people. I’m assigned in
Masbate 1st branch in the main city of Masbate and our attendance yesterday was
102 and they said that’s like super good so I’m happy. Lots of neat people here
and all so eager for missionary work. A cool experience was with one family, so
far my favorite family, we were teaching and kind of started over with the
lessons and the main girl she used to be a preacher for some church and said
she converted a lot of people then I told her about Thomas S Monson and she got
super skeptical and kind of offended but then Elder Mwarie started testifying
with what Tagalog he could and she totally changed her emotions from doubt to a
small bit of belief. It was cool, later today were going biking with them:) But
ya I feel like I could write hours of things I have seen here. Its sooo
different from my small area in the forest to now a huge main city on an
island. But I really do love it here, so far the members have been chill with
us and we always have something to talk about cause Elder Witehira came from
this area before he became comps with me. I feel like I’m missing so much to
write about but maybe I’ll remember and include it in my next email:) Ya the
church is true and I know that there is always a person ready to accept the gospel
no matter where you are. Love you all and remember Magsisi kayo palagi;)
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