From: Jordan Mark
Merrill <
Sent: Monday, May 30,
2016 8:51 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
To: Lauri Merrill
Well to start
off I'll just say this week’s email will be a little short. Not much has
happened actually this whole week, so maybe I'll just describe my transfer
experience. So we usually get a text from our zone leaders around 8 o'clock on
a Saturday night so we were just chilling at a member’s house for her B-day and
we got the text, we both read it and then both sighed of relief, none of us
will transfer yay! Elder Baker is coming to my district, sick! But wait? He's a
district leader too, you can't have 2 DL's, so in my head I said okay, maybe
one of us will step down, but I'm chill with that! But then after we read
that, the ZL called and said, "Elder Merrill, we have some bad news for
you"... so in my head I was like crap I stepped down, no biggy! They go on
to say "you're no longer the DL of Ligao, you’re the DL of Pio Duran District"
Okay, okay that's cool. Then they said, "There's only 2 elders there"
...... Well... So I got moved with Tula Tula and Pio Duran has a different DL.
Shoot. So basically I got moved to be a DL in a whole other area. My district
was soooo tight with each other. We were planning district t-shirts, the whole
9 yards. Buuut nope, oh well it's all good. We're still coming to Ligao every
week for p-day anyway. Elder Baker's a stud:) So other than that, I'm doing
good here in Tula Tula! Still have no running water and it's been raining for
the past 4 days so our river is sooo dirty, even the clean water part is dirty.
But we have no other way to bathe so were still using the less dirty water but
we can't wash cloths so we don't really know what to do for this situation
ha-ha. We'll just wear our dirty cloths again;) it’s all good. Hopefully the
river will clean up soon. Oh!! One good perk of the river and rain is when it
rains the really big lizards come out and then our house next to us (Garcia's)
kill them, then we eat them:) It's free and fresh:) And this transfer we are going
to try to eat good, not just bread and chips everyday ha-ha. Well that's it for
me!! Love ya all!
**Elder Merrill**
From: Jordan Mark Merrill
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2016 10:44 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2016 10:44 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
I just got
the news that Elder Caranzo is going to train in Masbate. I'm going to be a
**Elder Merrill**
This is one of our investigators house. Every time we stop by he's usually not home but the pamphlet we gave him is always on a different page. |
Elder Witehira is 6' 2". Ha-ha I'm not the tallest kid in the block anymore.
We cleaned our bathroom:) |
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