From: Jordan Mark Merrill
Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2016 11:09 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2016 11:09 PM
To: Lauri Merrill
Welcome back to Tabaco Zone!! Yup I’m
back in my first zone, in fact I’m about 10 minutes from my first area so that
means when we all went to the Tabaco chapel for General Conference (which was
great) I got to see them all again:) I saw Brother Noel, the noleal family and
many more. The weird thing that’s happened was when they showed up, a whole
family ran to me "Elder Merrill! Elder Merrill!" and I was like Hey!?
They asked me if I remembered them and I was like ummmmm yeeeeahhno. A family
of 6, I guess I was the first missionary to start teaching them. They were all baptized and they said I taught
them about 3 or 4 times before I transferred so I’m pretty stoked about that:)
But ya it was great! My new comp’s name is Elder Lanuza. He is Filipino and he’s
been in the mission only 6 weeks longer than me, he’s also been in this area
for about 7 months so he’s about done with it ha-ha. He’s not disobedient or
bad, he just really wants to leave this area.
He’s actually a really hard worker and helps me concentrate with my
studies. I’m doing well:) It feels like my mission
just hit a plateau though. Nothing really new to talk about and this area is actually
pretty boring and has like no progress. And yes I’m happy:) Good apartment
no problem there. I’ve gotten skinnier, not from being sick but I’ve stopped
eating rice a lot. Very happy and it rains a lot, also the Mayon which I am very
close to is really smoking lately and I guess on the opposite side last week it
had a small burst or something? Sorry to keep it short, I don’t have the keyboard
memorized and about 3/4 of the letters are just black keys and I’m getting very
uneasy retyping this stuff 30 times over, plus I got sunburned ha-ha. So yun
lang:) Love you all!
**Elder Merrill**
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