
Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 7 - September 18, 2015 (Arrived in the Philippines)

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:28 PM
To: Lauri Merrill

Hey mom:) We have about 10 minutes today to email home saying we made it safe and were here now! It was a suuuuper long trip and I'll tell you more about it later. We got to the airport around midnight here and the drive from the airport was crazy cool, again I'll tell you more about it when I have more time. There is sooo much to say ha, I can't wait to tell you all about it. I'm really sorry I didn't get to call in Hong Kong. The phones were weird (barely in English) and nobody knew how to work them, then I was almost late for the flight because I was trying so long. So tell dad I'm really, really sorry. So after we're done emailing we get to go out to the real world and begin proselyting! I'm so scared but at the same time so excited. There really is so much to tell you right now it's crazy. The rumors are true, it is HOT beyond belief and it's the cooler season! Everyone has their Christmas trees up and already playing Christmas music! The MTC here only holds about 150 missionaries and the majority are Filipino. The only Americans I've seen so far are the people in my district that I came with and the mission presidents. I'm not sure what time it is at home right now, time is really weird from the change. Like I said earlier, my next time to email I'll tell more detail about everything. Our living space is super small and crowded. I only got about 2 hours of sleep for a 36-42 hour trip. I'm exhausted but the day is still young. We only have a little time on and I wanna write another email. I'm not sure our p-day? If we even get p-day here in Manilla but I'll be on again soon I hope. If you have any Qs about the Philippines now is the time where I can really answer them. From the time I've been around the "city" it's like a mix of a ghetto Vegas and a city wide homeless shelter. There are people laying on the street where you can't tell if they're sleeping or dead... Ha.  Its' just so diverse, huge skyscrapers then metal shacks a block away. I can't send any pictures this time but next time it will be loaded with them. I need to learn the way you do it so I'm not only sending 2 at a time, unless that works for you? So I got to go now, wish me luck out on my first time with the people! Thank you for all the love I'm feeling from you and the fam! Tell them all about my experience so far and tell them next time it'll be much cooler to hear from me. Love you xoxoxoxoxo
**Elder Merrill**

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