
Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 14 - November 9, 2015

Note from mom: I have inserted some of my letter I wrote to Jordan into the letter he sent back (below). I will put my part in [brackets]. I am hoping this will make a little more sense. Enjoy!

From: Jordan Mark Merrill <merrill.j@myldsmail.net>
Date: November 8, 2015 at 8:09:05 PM MST
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>


So question 1. [How are your feet?]
I think I need to go get a cream for them. They still have red bumps and itch ... so I'll get that soon, I hope.
2. [Do you have a home address? I have sent letters through the pouch and straight to the mission home address, but I'm wondering if I sent letters directly to a home address if that would be faster.]
The address is all the same. I got the letters grandma sent and I also got the ones you sent me. So whatever that address is, that's the one.
3. [Any luck with your investigator ****?]
Well **** ... He's really nice. He lives pretty far from the chapel and he's very poor. He only eats a small meal twice a day and has no house (only a small shack) he really wants to be baptized but cannot afford to travel to church each week (you need to attend church 4 times in a row). Also he smokes occasionally. He went from 2 packs a day to maybe one a week but he keeps slipping. I'm not frustrated with him but its hard when he wants it so bad but he can't. I've been praying for him. So he's basically our only progressing investigator.
4. [So tell me about your new companion. What is his name? Where is he from? Will he be your companion at Christmas time?]
My new comp is Elder Lonjas. Not sure where he's from, but it is somewhere here in the Philippines. He speaks terrible English and is super confusing when he talks. It's possible that he will be my comp at Christmas. I really miss my old trainer, Elder Dollete.
5. [When is your next training? Do you go to Legazpi? How often do you have trainings or travel to Legazpi? Your packages are scheduled to arrive at the international shipping port in the Philippines on November 17. It then needs to get to the mission home. AND THEN it needs to get to you. The reason I asked in the previous question if this comp will be your comp until Christmas because ... remember I sent two of everything? I'm excited to know who will receive those gifts.]
We have a training this week again so I won't get them that time. I'm pretty tight with the supply elders (ones in charge of mail) so I'll text them occasionally asking the status. The thing is, every transfer is the 15th of the month. So with your packages, we could get the boxes but then we might be transferred the next day. I don't know if I should tell the supply elders to hold them until after transfers because if I get transferred, I will have to pack all the boxes around, including my stuff too. So the transfer is always random, I could leave, he could leave, or we could both stay.So I hope that answered the Qs.
I'm resending some pics because now I'm not sure what I've sent and what I haven't. So if you get 2, sorry. This week I didn't take any new ones. It's all the same thing everyday haha. Sorry ..;/
[Happy DAY 96!!! In only 4 days you have been serving the Lord for 100 DAYS!!! Woot woot!!!]
Yay:) haha time is slow but fast, it's wierd..
So I've got to get off now. It's good to hear that everything back at home is doing well. Of course, I know this church is true. I know that God gives us challenges so that we can overcome them and become stronger. For example, my new companion ... this week has probably been the hardest week so far, even harder than the first couple weeks. I've prayed pretty hard asking for strength and I can tell it's working. I'm grateful for families, they are the most important thing in this gospel. Without you guys I would be lost. I'm lucky to call you my fam. Thank you for all the love and support I have from you. I pray for you everyday and I won't stop until day 730 (I think that's 2 years?) I love you all. If you have any Q's, just ask me and I'll answer them next week:) Love you all!! Mahal kita xoxox

**Elder Merrill**

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