
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week 4 - September 5, 2015

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2015 11:07 AM
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>

Kamusta po kayo mga tao?! Sobra masaya at mabuti po ako. So I’m going on a little more than 4 weeks and its going by slower than ever now. Nothing new is happening, I'm getting the language way better now though so mabuti po ako! I got my flight plans, 
Leave from Provo MTC to SL airport @ 3 am.
Flight leaves from SL so San Francisco @ 7:15. 
Arrive in San Fran then have a 5 1/2 hour layover.
Flight leaves from San Fran @ 1:35
Arrive in Hong Kong around 8ish the next day (14 Hour flight)
Fly from Hong Kong to Manila.  
We calculated it to be about a 27 hour trip. Considering all the time changes and all that. It’s gonna be hectic! But a way good experience. 
Me and Elder Glover have crossed paths a couple time, it’s really neat to see a friendly face! I've come to love going to the Provo temple and I really look forward to my P-day where I can go do a session. It’s a pretty good feeling being inside. Well that’s all I got so far. Take care!
**Elder Merrill**

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