
Monday, February 8, 2016

First letter home - August 8, 2015

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2015 8:40 AM
To: Lauri Merrill

Hey mom. I'm doing pretty well so far. there's really not much to tell you so far but from what I have done I'll try to give ya the main scoop. When I arrived they gave me my elder card, room number, and all that fun stuff, oh and they gave me like 20 pounds in Tagalog books! The first day we got to class they didn't speak English to us once which wasn't the best but oh well. Now it's our fourth day and I have the basic doctrine down pretty well! If I'm making grammar mistakes it's because I can't see half my keyboard from it being worn down. I taught my first investigator yesterday in 100% Tagalog which was the hardest thing of my life but I got through it. Umm what else? Oh my companion, his name is Elder (Chandler) Downing from Arizona and he's a pretty cool dude. That kid's mom your talking to is in my district his name is Elder (Dillon) Baker, also from Arizona. I have 10 kids in my class and yesterday I was in class for 10 1/2 hours learning and memorizing the language. Brutal huh? Well I'm sure there's more to tell you but I just can't think of it and I only have 40 minutes today and I have more people to mail so I'll talk to you next week! I did get your package it was freaking cool!  Ha, all my roommates are jealous!! Awesome box:) Well goodbye for now. Love you, send love to the rest of the fam too please.
**Elder Merrill**

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