
Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 16 - November 23, 2015

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2015 11:32 PM

Kamusta po kayo mga kaibigan ko?! Well the weekly letter this week is pretty boring. My one investigator that might be getting baptized didn’t attend church for his 4th time so he needs to restart his streak. Sgayon di ba? A pretty cool experience I had this week, in my branch there are only 4 priesthood holders including me and my comp. I was blessing the sacrament and right as the other priesthood holder knelt down to start the prayer we had a small earthquake. It wasn't big at all. It only made me kind of lose my balance for a sec. I looked up and everyone looked up at the same time and looked around, then bowed their heads for the prayer like nothing happened. It was pretty sweet ha. Well that’s it:)Mahal kita!
**Elder Merrill**

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