
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week 3 - August 29, 2015

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:26 AM
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>

Kamusta?:) Mabuti po ako, salamat. Magandang Umaga mga tao mahal kita. Alam ko po na.  You can figure that out for yourself ;) Even though it doesn't translate it correctly with Google or whatever. So far I’ve learned the baptismal invitation, part of the first vision, and part of the Purpose in Tagalog. If you learn how to speak like the natives with the accent they have it really sounds like Chinese, they talk so fast! This week we are going to Skype investigators from the Philippines and give them lessons from across the world!! Finally after 4 weeks, our teacher has taught us the "Method" AKA how to wipe. I’ll tell you how the process goes in 2 ;) Let me just say it’s like you eat a big thick peanut butter and honey sandwich over a plate, it’s bound to drip. So what are you gonna clean it with? A paper towel or with water??? Let that sink in … We get our flight plans this week which is gonna be great knowing where were going. The district that just left flew to San Francisco and had a 6 hour layover, so that’s super chill. The time zones make it so we will leave Thursday morning but we will arrive in the Philippines on a Sunday. The Manila MTC only has about 120 kids at a time and most are Filipinos so we'll be the odd kids out ha. While we’re here in the Provo MTC they teach you how to give lessons and talk to the people about gospel doctrine, not normal conversational sentences. So sure we can ask someone to be baptized but we won’t be able to ask them where the bathroom is. (CR is what they call it. "Comfort Room") Just to give you a little taste of the language I’ll ask you to be baptized then I’ll sing you a song :D ha. Susundan po ba ninyo ng halimbawa ni Jesucristo, sa pamamagitan ng pagpapabinyag sa isang taong maytaglay ng awtoridad ng preisthood ng Diyos? And for the song: Tong Tong Tong Tong pakitong kitong alimango sa dagot malaki at masarap hulihin madagot sapagot at hulihing. Google translate doesn’t work with this language so it’s hard to figure it out haha. 3 more weeks to go then I’m dipping the US for good!! If you have any questions about the Philippines, culture, or MTC just hit me up and I’m sure I can answer most of them. Use DearElder.com, it is sooo good when you get a letter/email during the week instead of waiting till Pday cause then you can have in mind what to say beforehand. Mga tablo! ( Tablo=Duece, and Mga makes something more than one) Mga Tablo. 
**Elder Merrill**
My project while I'm bored.  Don't know who I'll send it to when I'm done though.

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