
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 20 - December 21, 2015

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2015 10:35 PM

Hello everyone:) Merry Christmas! Christ+mas = More Christ:) always remember the true meaning of Christmas! In other news, I survived typhoon NONA. We ended up staying in the ZLs apartment for 2 days and when we got back home our town was a wreck. The streets were covered in fallen banana trees and full of garbage, all the flood drains basically didn’t do their job and they flooded haha. We only had about 40 people die considering how bad the storm was. A lot of our town was evacuated and were safe. Our "church" isn’t a church building, it’s a rental building so the people in our branch had nowhere to evacuate to, and it was really hard on the members. We didn’t have electricity for about 5 days after and the water was dirty but now were recovering :) Some parts of our town are still struggling with power but it’s all good. I’m safe :) It’s all good in the hood here in the Philippines. Love ya all! Merry Christmas!
**Elder Merrill**

Birthday gifts for investigator.

how we lived during NONA

this is our Christmas week sacrament, notice what time the clock is.. our sac starts at 9...

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