
Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 10 - October 12, 2015

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 8:22 PM
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>

Hey mom:) So I’m emailing from Legazpi City right now because I got a weird foot fungus and I needed to come here for medicine. It really itches but I’m fine don’t worry:) Today our plan was when we got home to email. So I emptied my bag all besides my camera and Book of Mormon. We decided to email here because it’s faster and as I was going to put on pictures, I realized I took out my picture converter..... Soooo no pictures this week:(Sooo sorry. There’s not many new ones but I still really wanted to send some home. Next week though for sure!! Also keep sending me insta pics and pics from everything! It’s weird not to see any white people anymore. For some reason watching conference was weird cause I saw Americans!! ha. Oh conference was amazing btw. I took so many notes and listened really good pero I was so tired I fell asleep twice! I was really mad at myself for that. But they were all good. We just barely saw them yesterday. Umm what’s new with me?.. IDK it’s all just work work work. The people are really hard to work with, they’re really stubborn so it’s tough. But the people are amazing. Hmm I don’t know what else to say. 1 hour to email is sooo not enough time. I hate it but obedience brings blessings! I’m slowly but surely adjusting to things, it’s tough but I’m actually doing it:) There’s soo many cool things I want to buy right now to take home but I know if I do I’ll just be lugging it all around for 2 years so I’m planning on loading up on stuff closer to the end. Like usual it’s hot as Hades all day every day. I sweat my brains out. Well that’s all I got. The weeks go by really fast here, I’m not sure about home but it feels like yesterday I was emailing so that’s nice. Love you mom :) Tell the fam I love them always! Tell Hink I love him too:) Love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo
**Elder Merrill**
From: Philippines Legaspi Mission [1986341@ldschurch.org]
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 4:22 AM
To: mark.merrill@aggiemail.usu.edu
Cc: Lauri Merrill
Subject: Arrival Pictures

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