
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 18 - December 7, 2015

Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 1:03 AM
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>
Subject: Re: December 5, 2015

Hello mom, so I took your advice and took a lot of pictures! Buuuut (big fat but) I’m currently in a very sketchy internet cafe and both of our computers don’t have an antivirus protection and the firewall is down. The keyboard barely works so I’m sorry. I’ll try to put some in the Box but I’m hoping it doesn’t wipe or screw up my card. So everything is pretty normal here still same missionary work. We have no investigators close to baptism except ****. We celebrated his b-day by making him some gifts of just random stuff he might need. We put it in a stocking then gave it to him. He’s ready to be baptized so that’s good. He continues to be hungry but he’s surviving. Transfer announcements are this week and I’m really scared I’ll get transferred before his baptism. Which will be in a church font, not the ocean. The Christmas conference was awesome! So fun to see all my American batch. My zone won the award for most happy zone called the "Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow ... we work!" So not to make you worried or anything but this morning I woke up real sick, both "ends". I’ve been sick all day and very dehydrated. My head is killing me. I think it’s from some fish I ate yesterday but I’m good About the Skype thing, I have an idea how it works. I think I’ll find out more later. I’m sooo excited. I hate ISIS, they need to stop killing people. So sorry for all my mistakes grammar wise, I’m realizing I’m making a lot more than usual, and it doesn’t help my head is throbbing, so I’m going to make this one short. I know it was boring so sorry but ya. I always say "next week" then the next week comes and the situation isn’t better so ya, sorry again. But I love you still:) glad to hear Madi and Taylor are doing good. I’ll try for the pictures now! Love you xoxxoxoxoxxo
**Elder Merrill**

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