
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week 6 - September 16, 2015 (Last day at MTC)

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 7:52 AM
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>

So here are my callings times I hope, I leave the MTC around 3:30 in the morning so when I arrive in the Salt Lake airport I’ll probably be able to call for a bit around 5:30-6 in the morning here, or just around that time I hope then when I get to San Fran for the 5-hour layover it will be around 9 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon. Then I think when I’m in Hong Kong it will be like 4 in the morning here so I’m not really sure but if you look at the schedule and figure out the times that’d probably be better for you ha. So about the package you sent me, I should probably get it today and its all good that you couldn’t get the iPod to work no biggy. Ya I got all the numbers. A lot of kids just had their parents send them a prepaid phone that they use the minutes then throw it away but I’m perfectly fine with a card. I didn’t want you to stress too much on the package so anything you did or didn’t get sent I’ll be fine with. I’ll be back on throughout the day today so if you have any Qs I could answer them, and if I remember anything. I’ll keep sending emails. Oh if I haven't told you yet, I've gained 11 pounds so far in these past 6 weeks.  The most I'm going to weigh in awhile.
**Elder Merrill**

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 5:21 PM
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>

Back on for a bit:) Ha holy cow packing is so stressful. Oh BTW I went to the ENT and they cleared me good to go. I got the package successfully and thankfully ha. You asked about my schedule … Going from Manila back to Hong Kong is just if you need to renew your visa or whatever, it won’t matter to me. Hopefully I get in gmas and gpas situation;) A month chillin in the Pinnes nothing to do but sight see:) Joke long (Just kidding) In our last class today with one of our teachers we had a testimony sharing time and all the kids in my district really had good ones. We all have different stories and they were fun to hear, we did it in Tagalog so it was pretty neat. We taught our last PI (Personal Investigator) and it wasn’t the best last lesson but who cares. I’ll send a pic of us with him. He really is the coolest dang dude you’ll meet. He really strengthened my testimony and helped me out through this time here. We have one more 3 hour block class period after dinner then we’ll be done with class for good. Her name is Sister Wilkes (BTW the other teachers name was Bro Smith). She’s the sweetest little girl ever ha she talks really slow so it’s easy to understand but that’s just how she talks!! You wouldn’t believe the amount of food kids are throwing away because they can’t take it. Our ironing board is packed with the most random delicious stuff but were all so sick of junk food nobody will eat it. So it’s like a pick and grab as you leave the room type of food.  We’re going to die on the plane from being so tired but all is well. Tell Madison and Taylor to start emailing me if they want, it’d be fun to hear from them. Is all my stuff logged off from my phone? Like are there texts still coming to me or anything like that? If so find a way to reset, it all if you haven’t already. Alrighty, ya with the calling situation, I’ll just call whenever I can and hopefully you’ll be around to answer. I’m calling your phone correct? I’m excited for this flight but then again really am not excited. It’s going to be dark the whole trip. Our driver today that took us to the ENT said you’ll never forget when you get off the plane in a totally different climate, ... oh, GTG be on in a bit.
**Elder Merrill**

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 9:08 PM
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>

This will be my last email of the night and I’m getting off after I send this but then I’ll get to talk to you tomorrow so it won’t matter anyway. Love you to the sun and back :) TTYL Mahal Kita
**Elder Merrill**

Flight plans

My bed

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