
Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 11 - October 19, 2015

From: Jordan Mark Merrill [mailto:merrill.j@myldsmail.net]
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 2:31 AM
To: Lauri Merrill <lauri.merrill@usu.edu>

Hey mom:) So I’m starting to adjust to the computers and how they work so I have a little more time to type. This week I had 26 emails and have no clue how to respond and read them all so that’ll be interesting. I haven’t read your long letters yet but I read the couple short ones and it sounds like everything is going well. I’ll read the long one later then try to respond to it next week. To answer the questions you had … My feet are blistered and have an itchy rash still, but it’s not bad, typical American feet in the Philippines. The storm was scary and lasted about 3 days. It rained and was windy for 3 days straight and our power went out about every hour for a couple hours at a time. But it’s over now and all is well:)  We didn’t need to be evacuated anywhere we just stayed safe here in Bacacay. My comp is the bomb! We are different so we do things that we think are normal but it’s weird to each other. He’s cool. Yes, I’m getting plenty of food now no need to worry anymore:) I’ve learned what’s the cheapest and best to fill me up. Actually I’m gaining weight so you don’t need to worry:) Yes, I get called Joe at least 5 times a day!! Ha sometimes I won’t even respond cause it can get annoying but it’s funny! I’m not as homesick as I’ve been but it’s still hitting me sometimes. So all in all, I’m doing like 95% better than the very first so that’s good. I’m finally adjusting. We had our training this week and I saw my batch from the MTC that was really neat to hear about their places. Mine is pretty jungle-y compared to most so I got a cool spot, Baker is on an island! All the people we teach are sooo hard, I guess Bacacay is one of the most difficult missions in Legazpi, all the previous missionaries that’s served here say it’s the hardest they’ve had and they feel bad for me ha ha. So I’m basically starting in the fire then moving to the frying pan:) that’s 100% ok to me though. A hard area is the best to learn and it should be seen as a blessing. I’m sending a lot of pictures so I hope you get them all. This week in our church (20 members) we're planning a Christmas activity, me and my comp are supposed to put it together?! AND I gave a talk in church this week, it was dang hard but I wasn’t that scared because there was only 15 people there. Ha ha. Umm what else.. I don’t really know what else, I’m going to start making a list during the week of things I’d like to talk about but for now I need to respond to some other emails so, ingat po nanay!!!:) Mahal kita sobra sobra mahal. xoxoxoxxoxo tell everyone hi:)
**Elder Merrill**

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